Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cocktails, Dancing, What Have You

Well, I can't sleep. It's after midnight and James and Disco are snoring away next to me, but here I am awake. Perhaps this explains my desperate need for coffee in the mornings? Anyway, since I'm up, I thought I would tell you about my recent trip to Philadelphia to visit my university roommates. Really I went to visit Nilika, but by a stroke of luck, Lucey was in town too. So it was a double whammy. Looking through my photos from the trip, I now realize that there aren't very many. I guess we were just too busy having fun, so I will have to fill in the gaps for you.

Where to begin? How about with Obama? Philly loves him, apparently.

Nilika threw a housewarming party, and Lucey and I got caught in a downpour on the way there.

Neel's roommates were fab. We did lots of wandering down the historic, tree-lined streets in Nil's neighborhood.

Much of this wandering took place after long nights of cocktails, dancing, what have you. Judgements may have been impaired.

Despite the lack of photographic evidence, it was an excellent trip. Nilika, Neel, and the Fitzwater family were incredible hosts and showed us a great time. Now they'll all just have to come to Victoria so we can return the favor!

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