Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hot Child in the City

Hello, folks. I write to you from a bathtub in the city of Elvis impersonators and shotgun weddings. Yes, that's right, I am in Vegas. For work, not fun mind you, and hard work at that. Standing on your feet all day while schmoozing with doctors and trying to sell medical devices really takes it out of you. But why am I writing from a bathtub, you ask? Good question.

You see, in this city, cheap hookers abound, but I challenge you to find a gym open past six o'clock in the evening. My hotel's gym is only open from 6:00 am - 6:00 pm, which means that the 15k run that was planned for today has been scrapped in favor of a leisurely soak in the tub before dinner and the obligatory "team-building" (i.e., binge drinking with co-workers) that typically follows. Though I suppose the reasoning for terrible gym hours is clear -- get thee into the casino -- it is nonetheless frustrating. I was really looking forward to a precious hour of "me" time in the midst of all this teamwork. Not to mention how proud I was of myself for mustering the energy to even put on my gym clothes after such a long day. I suppose my only option at this point is to peel myself out of the bathtub and meet my colleagues for what I imagine will be a long night after a long, long day. On the upside, the hotel I'm staying at has a roller coaster. That should get my heart rate up!

For those of you who have been worried since the beginning of this post about me using a laptop while in the bathtub, let me put your mind at ease. I have made it to the end, dear friends, without so much as a minor shock. It's just as well...I'm sure there are plenty of shocking Las Vegas moments yet to come.

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