Monday, February 26, 2007

Yes that is ice and yes those are my legs

So with the good that triathlon brings there is also the bad, that no one really tells you before you start down this crazy road and get addicted. One of those things is how your legs will feel like you have beat them with a baseball bat after a long run. However to counteract this feeling painful feeling in the legs there are a few things that you can do to make them recover faster. If god had been nice he would have made chocolate or beer be the recovery method of choice but that is just wishful thinking. Being the sadistic person that god is to recover faster you can sit in a tub put in the coldest water you can handle and then dump 2 bags of ice into the tub. Does it work? Better then you could imagine. Is it fun? Not even close. You have to sit in the tub full of ice for around 15 min, or just before hypothermia kicks in and then some how muster up the strength to get your frozen body out of the tub.

So if it is so bad to sit in a cold tub why don't I just deal with the painful legs? Well becuase in training for Ironman there is no such thing as a day off. So the next day I need those legs to be somewhat useful so they can take more punishment in the hopes that they get a little stronger.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Still at 184 Pounds... But a better 184 Pounds

So I haven't updated pics like these in a while because well, there really was no progress from Nov to Jan. I pretty much ate a ton of bad food, drank a little more then I should have, did very little exersize and gained a bunch of weight to a high of 198 in Dec. Now that 2007 has come along, I'm back down to 184 which I was at in October I think, but I've spent a lot more time in the gym this year so I think I've got a little less fat and a little more muscle. I figure that I still have about 19 pounds to go before I get to the 165 I want to be a by Ironman and these 10 - 13 hour weeks of training are helping that happen.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My new addiction

Yes that is right folks, I am an addict. It seems that the evil demons that live inside our TV have taken over my mind. I'm not sure how it happened or when it happened, but slowly TV has had its sights on me and has been reeling me in. It's started harmlessly last year when I figured that I would rent a few DVD's of TV shows to watch while I rode the trainer. I was being good I thought. Working out, getting rid of flab and watching Jack Bauer (who is actually Canadian by the way) kick some ass and save the world from terrorists.

But it didn't stop at the trainer. I wanted more!
There were 5 seasons that had been played out already on TV and I had only discovered the first. There were still 119 hours of mind numbing, ass kicking, terrorist fighting action out there and I was getting thirsty for more. I started watching an extra episode before I went to bed with my lovely wife who would eventually become an addict as well. Soon it became 2 episodes, then 3 and then an even more dreadful day came. I had finished watching disk 5 of season 1 and only disk 6 remained till I would find out how Jack would get him self out of this mess. I ran to Blockbuster to get disk 6 but someone had beat me to it. My dealer was dry. I knew of other blockbusters in town so I drove around all night looking for that elusive disk 6 of season one. I couldn't sleep, eat or love again till I was holding it in my hand and it was in my DVD player revealing to me it's secrets. That was only one dark night of many.

I have watched an entire season in a weekend (thats right 24 hours of 24 in a 2 day period), and have reached out to others to get my fix. Now I take comfort in Prison Break, Battlestar Galactica (Kristi's drug of choice), The Office, and Heroes. I am just a simple man who's mind is being turned to goo by these addictive modern shows. I'm not sure when the day will come that I will break free of these chains but hope soon enough I will run out of good TV and can return to my normal life to function as a regular member of society.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Week 6 Training Plan

Week 5 Training Plan

I know, I know. Week 5 is almost over, and I'm posting this week's training schedule very late. But I will post Week 6 early to make up for it.