Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 - The year of IRONMAN

Well 2006 came and went. It started off with Kristi and I joining the Tri club at our local YMCA not really knowing how to run, bike or swim and before we knew it we were in line signing up for Ironman Canada. A race that seemed impossible to complete and only attempted by elite athletes at the beginning of the year has became our goal for 2007. Now neither of us are elite athletes and the distance still makes me shudder when I think about it , but one important thing has changed in my life. Triathlon has made me re-evaluate what is possible and what I as a person can accomplish.

So here are my totals for 2006

Bike: 101h 16m 06s (37.2%)
Run: 85h 54m 33s (31.6%)
Swim: 55h 43m 54s (20.5%)
Strength: 15h 15m (5.6%)
Yoga: 14h (5.1%)


That works out to roughly 45min a day every day in 2006. Up from probably 2 -3 min a day in 2005. Also as a comparison to 2007 I figure from the first bit of training schedules our coach has given us, this year I will surpass those totals by June! It looks like my life will consist of sleeping, eating, training and working. I know it will all be worth it though when I cross the finish line at Ironman.

Now I have to get back to the working part. I hope that everyone had a wonderful 2006 and has an even better 2007. Take a chance this year like Kristi and I did last year and do something you think is impossible. I'm sure that you will find as I have you are capable of far more then you could ever imagine.

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