Saturday, December 15, 2007


I have always maintained that I don't like musicals. Something about the way that characters spontanously burst into song really irks me, like when I've got a hair stuck inside my shirt that is tickling me but I just CAN'T FIND IT. But last night I dreamed that I was driving our new car on the highway when I hit a patch of ice and started to spin tilt-a-whirl style down the roadway. And what was going through my head during those last few moments was not how much I would miss my dog or my regrets about missed opportunities or even a slideshow of my happiest memories, but instead the voice of Julie Andrews singing, "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..." And then I thought, if Mary Poppins is the soundtrack of my death, perhaps I should reconsider my stance on musicals.

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