Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Holding Strong

How long has it been since you last watched television? James and I are on day three of a self-imposed TV-Free Week, and though James admits to jonesing for an episode of Heroes, we are holding strong. Our reason for ditching the tube, if only temporarily? Well, it had become ubiquitous, ever-present, sometimes switched on only for white noise or as a light source, and often over-used as a tool for winding down after a hard day at work. I've gotta say that, if you're able to use it in moderation, the tube is certainly not the most insidious of vices. But for us it had become like hideous floral wallpaper that we couldn't even see anymore because our eyes had grown so weary from the constant visual assault. We had to turn it off. We had to take a break. And what we've realized is that, with the box unplugged, it's no longer possible to make it through an entire day saying ten or fewer words to one another. We interact. We talk. And what do you know -- we like it!

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