Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The End of Season One

So it seems that it has finally come. It's the end of August, all of my planned races have passed and I'm on my last of 2 rest days before training for my November marathon begins.

Six months ago Kristi dragged me into this crazy sport after she learned about the tri clinic at our local YMCA and I don't know it I could ever thank her enough. Not only has the past six months given me a glimpse of what is possible, but has woken me up to what it is to really live. Triathlon has done more then enabled me to swim, bike and run for a long distance, it has opened me up to the endless possibilities. I'm beginning to see that life really is what you make of it and that any goal is attainable if you are willing to work for it.

This time last year I told Kristi that there was no way I could enter a try-a-tri with her because I couldn't swim 300m let alone bike 15k and run 3 after. Being the amazing person that she is she got me sign up for a swimming lesson and then the tri clinic. Now a year later we have both completed multiple triathlons and road races and are on the way to Ironman.

I'm proud of myself, I'm proud of her and I'm amazed what we have been able to accomplish in such a short period of time. It's made me realize that it's not the destination that matters, but the journey along the way.

Well I guess that’s enough sappy reflection for one day. Its 11pm, I've got to get up early because I've got a marathon to train for, and I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Starting as beginners, and now competing at the Nationals, you guys have come a long way!!!! Awesome work! We must get together for a ride or two during the off season. Are you two coming to Salt Spring?