Thursday, August 17, 2006

New shoes :)

Sadly nothing in my life any more seems to be more exciting then getting a brand spanking new pair of running shoes (other then waking up next to my wife every morning. Yes Kristi it's you then new shoes :)). This is what triathlon has done to me and being a woman must feel like. I used to be excited about so many things, now it's shoes and bikes. However a pair of shoes is a little cheaper then a new bike so they bring me more joy on a day to day basis.

Why all of this talk about shoes you ask? Well I just picked up a new pair that I didn't exactly need. However they look fast and hopefully I will be faster by association. Now I'm sure you're saying James, I could really care less about your shoes, but it's my blog and chances are if you are reading this you have nothing better to do and will continue to read about me and my shoes.

I picked up a pair of Brooks Axiom 2. They are light, sleek, provide a moderate amount of support and more importantly look fast. I've worn many different Brooks starting with the ever so stable Trance, then moved down to Adrenaline because a shoe expert said the trance was too much shoe for me. I've been working a lot on my running form lately and now that I primarily am striking on my mid foot I thought I would try something lighter and a little less stable for tempo runs and speed work.

Yes I know, that was a pretty crappy blog entry, but it's going to be a long year and I assure you there will be worse :)


Anonymous said...

Awesome blog there guys. I understand what you mean about getting excited about shoes. Good luck at your race this weekend.


Anonymous said...

I worry about shoes too. The last pair I bought were work boots from Walmart and cost me $11.00 plus tax.

Different age, different interests.

Good luck with yours.
